Monday, January 30, 2012

How can you tell if you are Emo, Punk, or Prep?

Please don't just say, "Don't use labels," or crud like that.

Music:All American Reject, Country (Rascal Flatts, Big %26amp; Rich), some Pop, Kite Pilot (blue/rock), and some old rock and Johnny Cash.

Clothes: Just about anything.

Attitude: Pessimistic (negative), can be Hyper, or peppy, mood jumps randomly

"Friend" Types: Dunno, rural kids who like rap (I use friend lightly)

Hobbies: Cooking, listening to Mp3 or music in general (listening to All American Rejects now, Dirty Little Secret)

Favorite Computer Games: Harry Potter, Sim City, Zoo Tycoon 2

Online: Gaia, Quibblo, Yahoo (duhhh), Hotmail

Please don't bash me if you think you know what I am, I think I am actually a mix, but I am not sure.How can you tell if you are Emo, Punk, or Prep?
You seem to well rounded to be any of them. If you have to ask wether your one of those then your probably not. Being preppy is about being the all american kid even if you'd rather not. And being emo or punk is about rebelling against

"the man" while making free with your parents money and nice things which they got by working for "the man".
Jaded people who think they are so different from everyone else and going through unique problems when in actuality they are just like every average joes out there going through the same sh*tty problems and drama in life like everyone and are in a constant state of denial that they are similar to everyone else... and happen to blow it out of poportion and make it a big deal while the average person going through the same problem just deals with and gets over it.... IM not emo, prep, ghetto, whatever u wanna call it by the way, im just a like everyone else going through the similar sh*tty drama and problems in life.... REAL PEOPLE DON'T NEED LABELS.....How can you tell if you are Emo, Punk, or Prep?
why do you care? the definitions for these words change every day. are you trying to pick which group you think you should be friends with? Most people don't fit like cookie cutters into any one particular group. Be happy and stop blindly following everyone, you have no idea where they are going. ( i tried to be nice and it sounds like you are a person not a lable)
Music wise and mood change I would say a little punk mixed with IndieHow can you tell if you are Emo, Punk, or Prep?
who cares? life is WAY too short to worry about which label you fit into, if you want to be all three then go for it.

No one made up a rule that teenagers have to fit one category and that was it.

For God's sake be different for a change don't conform to some clique and then ask complete strangers what we think you are. that's quite pathetic. Find yourself, know yourself and then you will realize that you're not any one of those things. you're just you

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