Monday, January 30, 2012

What can you tell me about the history of the online game runescape & the game's creation & making?

Now, I know that this is a really weird and unusual question. Most people, when they play runescape, don't really take much time to think about how it all started. But, one day, I became curious and got to thinking...Who invented runescape? How did runescape begin? How was it conceptualized in its early stages. What little I do know about its history is that it was released in 2004 as the first MMORPG game. And, this game has now become a phenomenon and has someone managed to stick around to today. This current year of 2010. It is now the number one online free multiplayer game. It is owned by jagex. Maybe, released by jagex as well. On that part, I'm not entiredly sure. I was recently introduced to runescape in May 2010 and have been playing it for two to three months. Sure, the game gets boring after awhile in free world, but there is just so much to do in member's. And, it amazes me that, after five or six years, the people who made the game are STILL making money off it. That it has managed to stick around for so long...What inspired the haunting landscapes in runescape...Was it any particular geographical location in either America (i'm thinking west coast or perhaps east coast because of all the oceans) or in England or perhaps elsewhere? And, what gives the game such it's large appeal to the masses? Is it the appeal of the game itself or the ability to chat with other players from nearby and faraway places in real life, or, is it the magical combination of the two: gameplay and online iming/chat? Who or what inspired this brilliant game and gameplay type? Was it the first of it's kind or not? And, why do so many people in times of loss turn to runescape for comfort--people who are depressed and people who are in despair. Even, people who are bored sometimes play it...And, it is reserved for all ages or just for 12-18 year olds? How about 20 yr olds and up playing it? And, lastly, what makes it so appealing that one can sometimes find online "friends" who become real friends and even "boyfriends" who become real boyfriends. My best friend found her boyfriend on runescape about five years ago and they are still together and have even seen each other in real life and talk daily. Runescape introduced them. Same, with another friend that I know who found his girlfriend as well on runescape. They are not still together but they were very close when they were. What, exactly, has powered this massive runescape machination and hysteria(by hysteria i mean widespred phenomenon)--videos on youtube, searches on every major website or search engine. And, much, much more...Why does it appeal to so many people? Is it the variety of quests and things to do such as training skills and earning skillcapes that one can accomplish? And, what gives some people a sense of achievement on it, while others lose interest and become bored? If someone could please help me answer some of these questions, namely, what I want to know is about the history and the creation of the game itself as it was conceptualized originally (and how it is fast becoming widely popular something similiar to Twilight or Harry Potter but with more of a variety), I would be much obliged to them for their help. :).What can you tell me about the history of the online game runescape %26amp; the game's creation %26amp; making?
Try searching for devious MUD, I think that was the very first name of runescape. I could be wrong.

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