Monday, January 30, 2012

I don't really have any friends?

Hey I'm 14 years old and I don't really have many friends, because I'm really shy and I moved to a new school over a year ago, and I have lots of trouble making new friends because I'm shy, I do have a couple but since I've moved I can't speak to them in person, I'm inside most of the time, sometimes I go out for walks and go ride my bike around the park but I wish i had more people to talk to, in September I am going to high school and I want to be able to have atleast a couple of friends in high school and I'm really weird I'm into stuff like Harry Potter, Animals, online gaming, animals and drawing, will people in high school hate me for that?I don't really have any friends?
Yeah the same happens to me, I think I麓m just at the wrong place because I麓m surrounded by the so called Pretty Girls and boys and I don麓t have much in common with them, I have a good relationship with them but it can麓t be called friendship, so I began to be a Lone Wolf, because I got tired trying to be with them doing things I don麓t like.

Since then I feel way stronger and happy, there have been some people that were like me but they had to go to others places and I got alone, but I didn麓t give up and as I wrote before I became a Lone Wolf and that has allowed me to be much more independant and able to do everything by myself which is awesome, now I don麓t care about others opinions and I am the best student and I麓m also building a strong body doing exercise and the most important, the spirit because there麓s a friend that never forgets you that is Jesus.

As long as I麓m a good person and can handle my life by the moment alone I wil grow stronger, then I will search for a lady that has in common with me and share my life with her like you, well I麓m 23 so we can麓t be boyfriends besides I live in Ecuador hehehe, but it麓s awesome to know that there are more people like me around the world, and as you can see there are boys like you that would love to be with you because they have in common with you and for many people, like me, prefer by far the personality than the physical aspect.

Please don麓t call you weird because you are not neither do I, because we like things most people don麓t, it doesn麓t transforms us into weirds.

Try to do like me, if you don麓t find people like you don麓t get stressed trying to be like the others, just be yourself, be good with people but don麓t let them take advantage from you, because there are people that like to use inocent people for their own sake, have enough courage to say NO when needed just as I began to do that麓s why I feel stronger too.

People will not hate you don麓t worry, as long as you are a good lady and help people but not doing their homework but just telling tips how to do it, just as I do, you will have a beautiful life and it will get better until you get someone like you, but until them enjoy your life and don麓t get stressed doing things you don麓t like.

So you like Metallica, Animals and Video Games, woow I like them too
When I was moving to high school people i knew said you will make loads of new friends and its likely that you wont be friends with people you know now and its really true. I made loads of knew friends and none of them went to my primary. Just be confident and talk to people. And loads of people are into stuff like that honestly. You will make friends with people in your subject classes :) try not to be shy, just join in conversations. Good luck :D xI don't really have any friends?
There was a girl like you in my high school. She's still weird. She got even weirder in college and had fewer friends there than high school. Oh, and she became quite the whooore (I guess to overcompensate for her lack of friends and social skills). I'm not saying you should change or anything, but maybe be careful in waving the freak flag.

Good luck with that.
You'll meet a whole bunch of new people in high school so will probably make new friends.. New start and all that. :) and no of course they won't hate you for that.. The majority of them probably like the same things you do anyway!I don't really have any friends?
Hey. Im exactly like you and i have lots of friends! people in high school there's lots of people like that don't worry you'll find some group of friends to hang around with.
Don't worry about, I'm just like you - I'm really shy and have problems making friends but slowly I've become less shy. And don't worry people in highschool won't hate you for what you like. Because to me, you sound really cool ;) Harry Potter is the best! As agreed with like everyone, animals are adorable - my friend loves them and she has tons of animals. Online gaming is quite, and drawing is the best! I draw anime and manga characters - everyone loves it when I do. You'll definitely make a lot of friends, trust me, Weird is amazing - bland, boring people are boring. I'm 15 (soon to be 16) btw, so I've been there. Try joining some clubs, that's the easiest way to get friends as you'll have a common interest - I play the french horn so I'm in band and sing; choir. I'm also part of a drama club and do after school netball - there will be bitches, unfortunately. But you just have to decipher between them and good people, ingnore those who are horrible but don't worry since the good people always outnumber the others. Anyway sorry that was way way too long %26gt;.%26lt; and good luck~ ;)
Ok dude, I'm not gonna lie some people WILL DEFINATLY think that your sad because most teenagers arn't into that stuff and if your a guy the assumption is that your into "Man stuff" like Girls and Football and stuff like that, whereas if you're a girl your assumed to be into "Girly stuff" like Boys, and Fashion etc...

Don't get me wrong I have nothing agaisnt what you like because everyone has thier own personalitly and you like Harry Potter and Animals so I guess its whatever floats your boat but the thing is your not gonna make much friends with hobbies like that but their probably will be a couple of people you will make friends. You could make friends however via your Online Gaming hobbie if your a boy because most boys like that sort of stuff espeically if its things like Shoot 'em Up games etc....

Overall I dont think people in School will hate you but you just won't make friends with that kind of personality, so try to find new hobbies whether its an interest in Boys/Girls or you start to like a sport or fashion (depending on your gender)

Good Luck

P.S: Sorry if I didn't make sense on some parts (or for all) its just that I can't really explain it to you by typing and stuff.
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