Saturday, February 18, 2012

Military Orders and Breaking the Lease - how early in advance can you move out?

My husband is deploying in May 2011 and I plan on moving back home with my family. I was wondering how early a person can move out of an apartment after giving the apartment representative an official copy of the military orders. Am I required to live in the apartment until May? Thanks for all help. I appreciate it!Military Orders and Breaking the Lease - how early in advance can you move out?even if you've given the landlord a copy of the orders, you still have to submit your notice to vacate in writing. ask the landlord if they will excuse you two from the lease early and whether or not you will get your deposit back. even if the reason you're breaking the lease is the military, the landlord will probably keep your deposit because she has to pay the expenses on the place while she finds a new tenant. if your lease states you have to give 30 or 60 days notice, then just write a note saying you intend to vacate as of Feb. 28th or whenever, and move out.Military Orders and Breaking the Lease - how early in advance can you move out?If your husband's name is the main name on the lease, then there IS a reason for you to be able to get out of the lease, because HE is the one leaving and he is the main person on the lease. There is no way that they could make you the sole person on the lease because you may not even qualify.

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Military Orders and Breaking the Lease - how early in advance can you move out?See if someone in the military can advise you. They have people to help with that.

And yes the owner may be required to "give you a break." :P Depends on the details of the situation and the law.Military Orders and Breaking the Lease - how early in advance can you move out?
Basically yes. There is no reason for the owner to give you a break

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